I think its grossly unfair and unrealistic to expect cops to bear the brunt of our budget woes. Who will be the one in this upcoming election to take a stand and change that?
Appellate court backs retirement system's ruling that crash response and other incidents contributed to post traumatic stress disorder but that the crash was not solely responsible.
Shane B. Streater, 41, also was ordered to repay $82,488 to the state pension system and has been barred from public employment in the state following his conviction by a Camden County jury.
Fully funding transportation projects and the public employees' pension and health benefits system would cost New Jersey billions of dollars and the state simply doesn't have that kind of cash. Raising the revenue would be all but impossible without tax increases and that's where presidential politics come into play with regard to the Fiscal Year 2016 State budget.
TRENTON, N.J. (AP) -- The board that oversees New Jersey's nearly $80 billion public pension fund is moving ahead with an investment of up to $100 million in a private equity firm whose chairman gave millions to a political group once headed by Gov. Chris Christie.