julie hermann

Rutgers Scandal Lingers
Rutgers Scandal Lingers
Rutgers Scandal Lingers
With allegations of verbal abuse taking place when she was a volleyball coach continuing to swirl, the fate of new Rutgers Athletic Director Julie Hermann is still up in the air.
Rutgers paid $70,000 in Order to Hire Julie Hermann.  Would You Attend Any of Their Events or Allow Your Kids to Play There? [POLL]
Rutgers paid $70,000 in Order to Hire Julie Hermann. Would You Attend Any of Their Events or Allow Your Kids to Play There? [POLL]
Rutgers paid $70,000 in Order to Hire Julie Hermann. Would You Attend Any of Their Events or Allow Your Kids to Play There? [POLL]
So we all pretty much by now know the story of former Tennessee women’s volleyball coach who’s under fire as incoming Athletic Director at Rutgers for verbally and emotionally abusing her players back in the 90’s among other allegations...
Rutgers Finger-Pointing
Rutgers Finger-Pointing
Rutgers Finger-Pointing
Emails by members of the Rutgers University 26-member Athletic Director search advisory committee indicate the search was not a smooth one as the school hires a company to help squelch the controversy surrounding the athletic department.

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