
Should We Legalize Pot and Tax It? [POLL]
Should We Legalize Pot and Tax It? [POLL]
Should We Legalize Pot and Tax It? [POLL]
Yesterday I cited an article our Kevin McArdle had written as to the plan to raise the tax rate on e-cigarettes, which would be brought in line to reflect the tax on regular cigarettes. If the idea of smoking the e-cigarette is all about replacing the regular cigarette, the dangers of which are already documented, then doesn’t it follow that were we to make the taxes the same on e-cigarettes, one
Heavy Snow Hits Colorado
Heavy Snow Hits Colorado
Heavy Snow Hits Colorado
A powerful winter storm swept across Colorado on Friday, forcing the cancellation of nearly 600 flights at Denver airport, closing parts of Interstate 70 and sparking a run on grocery stores before the worst weather descended.