Christie and the Final CountdownChristie and the Final CountdownJanuary 18, 2018 can't get here fast enough.Jeff DeminskiJeff Deminski
Deminski’s baby boy’s first sled rideDeminski’s baby boy’s first sled ridePure joy is I think one way to describe his reaction.Jeff DeminskiJeff Deminski
A NJ baby takes his first trip to Philly and his reaction is pricelessA NJ baby takes his first trip to Philly and his reaction is pricelessThis weekend Jeff Deminski took his wife and son for a quick getaway. It was Atticus' first trip to Philly. See some of his cute reactions in the photos now!Jeff DeminskiJeff Deminski
Deminski’s fussy baby will still laugh at Dad’s dumb joke (Watch)Deminski’s fussy baby will still laugh at Dad’s dumb joke (Watch)It looks like Jeff Deminski's son Atticus has the same sense of humor and hearty laugh as has his father!Jeff DeminskiJeff Deminski