Spadea – Let’s work beyond the partisan divide and create a sound plan for refugees
Seems that emotion is trumping logic when it comes to the opposition to the actions of the Trump administration's limited and temporary travel ban for seven nations identified as potential sources of terrorists.
We had many calls today about the issue and specifically the hypocrisy on the part of New Jersey elected officials disparaging the new president and stoking the fire of division. Senator Menendez in particular stands out because of his prior opposition to an American ally based solely on the fact that the nation is majority Muslim. To call the senator out, I went back to 2006 (maybe he thought we'd forget) when he opposed our friends in the war on terror, the United Arab Emirates having any ownership role in American ports. Check out my blog from 2006 here.
It's time that the senators from New Jersey grow up and stop acting like petulant children after losing the national election. They are the first ones to lecture the other side when it came to working with President Obama. It's been less than two weeks and already the new president has made good on several campaign promises. Let's work beyond the partisan divide to have a meaningful conversation about immigration reform and how to handle refugees.
Considering that every refugee puts a financial burden on the taxpayers and we still have American veterans living on our city streets, it's a conversation we should have now rather than later. President Trump gave the government 90 days with the travel ban to improve the vetting process for migrants and refugees. That's why it's called a temporary ban. It's not about Muslims as 40 nations with a majority Muslim population are not included. This is about our border security and keeping the American people safe.
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