Sen. Lesniak on Christie’s Statehouse renovation plan: ‘I’ll fight until the end’
While our NJ legislators may be opposed to Governor Christie's proposed $300M renovation to the Statehouse, one lawmaker is speaking out against it.
Senator Ray Lesniak, who has been one of the most vocal opposition to the governor's plans, has come under indirect fire from Christie. "That's what Christie is doing now, he's pounding the table, personally attacking me, rather than trying to show that this $300 million is justified and needed."
So how do we stop it? Like how most things get settled in NJ, it will probably come down to ending up in court. Lesniak has said in the past that he wants rebids for the project as well as approval to borrow the money necessary for the project. While the governor seems to be bypassing the legislature and pushing the project through, the only way to stop it may be a lawsuit. The senator said that he's going to do his best to fight it and by no means is this over.
I even offered to help any way that I could to get the ball rolling and help stop this boondoggle of a project. We're looking at $300 million that NJ taxpayers don't have, for updates to a statehouse that they don't want. Sometimes you have to brainstorm and find innovative ways to put a stop to things. Even if we started a petition to stop the project it would be very difficult to get any momentum because "the problem is the governor ignores the public."
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