Seaside Boardwalk Fire Debris Moving Out [AUDIO]
A South Toms River company is already working to clear the debris from last month's Seaside Boardwalk fire.
But some are questioning just how the firm was given the contract. There have been several posts on social media and on message boards regarding the decision, calling it unfair. One official is coming to the defense of the decision.
Seaside Heights Mayor Bill Akers tells Townsquare Media News that the process wasn't actually a bid.
"It was done through quotes. There were 10 companies that came out to the site to give it a look and most of them where totally overwhelmed. Only four of them actually gave us a quote in time before our deadline."
According to Akers, there were some that were just too inexpensive - making the work seem like it couldn't be done for that little. Then there were other quotes that were leaning towards charging more for Seaside Heights than Seaside Park, although the latter sustained more damage, property and business loss.
"We picked the best one for the job that will get it done in a timely manner with our deadline we've imposed. That is 60 days," Akers said.
Eagle Paving is owned by the same man who owns Funtown Pier. That's where the comments are lighting up the web. Akers assures everyone that it had no bearing on the decision. It was all about the quote and the level of service the firm can provide.
Both Seaside Heights and Seaside Park chose the firm after each received a $2.5 million reimbursement from the Community Block Development Grant awarded from the Superstorm Sandy fund from Congress.
"Anytime a town or an official makes a decision, you have six people who are for it and six who are against it," Akers explained. "There's no pleasing everyone all of the time. Our eye is on the bottom line and we want to rebuild in time for next summer."