The snow that we predicted for Sunday was way more than expected, especially in South Jersey.

I thought there would, at least, be a few inches or so.  Well, there was 6'-10' or 11' in spots.  There was much less in the Route One Corridor, only two to three inches, and even less farther north.

It was mostly a South Jersey show, and it was a big-time problem for people that were traveling Sunday afternoon.

Today is going to be featuring any spotty, freezing rain ending, then looking for some plain rain for a while.  The rain will probably tend to taper off this afternoon with temperatures in the 30s and 40s.

Believe it or not, we have another problem coming along for tomorrow. There's going to be a disturbance riding the jet stream along the coast.

It looks, as though, some of the models have an inch or two, but there is certainly the potential for two to four inches, possibly even more before all is said and done later Tuesday afternoon.

It looks like mostly snow tomorrow just about everywhere.

Then, it will be pretty cold for the middle part of the week ahead.

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