Now that the parks openings went well, what else could we open? (Opinion)
Now that Gov. Phil Murphy's opening of the parks seems to have gone well, there are some other places in New Jersey that should be open as well that could help improve both new Jersey's economy and our mental health.
It would have been great of instead of just closing everything with one broad stroke, Murphy would have examined each instance on a case-by-case basis.
If that had happened, then maybe he wouldn't have closed the places of worship, bringing a challenge by State Senator Michael Doherty, or a lawsuit by a Catholic priest. Personally, I think if everything were examined of a case-by-case basis, there's no reason why we couldn't have had graduations outside with social distancing, and even haircuts, with people wearing protective masks.
But why stop there? I asked my listeners and followers what else they'd like to see open in New Jersey and here's what we've come up with:
What else should be open in New Jersey?
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