Watch out for a prolific, nationwide email scam that's now targeting New Jersey utility customers.

Computer Hackers
Sean Gallup, Getty Images

Public Service Electric & Gas cautions that its customers have been getting some very realistic-looking emails that appear to be from the utility company.

According to PSE&G's Kristine Lloyd, the messages resemble utility bills, with the name of a utility company, a balance due and a billing date -- all of which can fool customers.

"So it looks like they're getting a utility bill, when in fact these are bogus," Lloyd said.

The danger is, these emails lead you to a link where you can view your account information.

"And when they click on that link, that's the problem," Lloyd said. "We're told that it goes to some malware that causes problems for their computer."

Lloyd said any emails from the company would be sent from the address, and the utility would not ask for personal information through the Internet without a consumer first logging into MyAccount on the PSE&G website.

For your safety, PSE&G is asking that you avoid opening up emails that appear to be from them, and if you need account information, log directly onto their secure website at

If you think you may have been the victim of a scam, the company advises that you call their 24-hour customer service center at 1-800-436-PSEG.

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