Murphy’s pointless gun laws will only affect law abiding citizens (Opinion)
It's unimaginable that people don't realize how pointless, stupid and a total violation of our rights the new proposed gun laws are.
Last week, Gov. Murphy announced several sweeping changes to our already ridiculously strict gun laws. Not happy being in 3rd place behind California and NY when it comes to restrictive (and pointless) gun laws, New Jersey has proposed a wagon load of new gun laws that will do nothing to reduce crime of gun violence in the state but will make it even tougher for law abiding residents (and visitors) to own or transport a gun in the state and buy ammunition.
In NJ, you already need to obtain a state issued Firearm Owners ID (FOID) card to merely buy ammunition or a long gun and a supplemental FOID permit to every time that you want to purchase a pistol. You can't buy or own anything NJ defines as an "assault rifle" and limits magazine capacities to 10 rounds, You can't obtain a concealed carry permit and you can't transport your gun and ammunition in the back of your SUV unless at least one of those two items is stored in a locked box.
Two Republican state senators, Mike Testa and Steve Oroho, blasted the proposed legislation, so at least we know someone is paying attention in Trenton. But the general public is not.
Like most of Murphy's ideas to "keep us safe," this is a major affront to our liberty and our Second Amendment rights, so the public buys into it.
This is not a gun rights state and most people don't own guns or know much about them. This will probably slip by the minority of people who realize what insanity this is and it just may pass.
The real problem, as I've mentioned, is that this affects people who just want to protect themselves or are law-abiding sportsman. The criminals will still buy guns illegally and use them in the commission of crimes. This will NOT make anyone in New Jersey safer, only less safe, if you want to protect yourself.
Gun crime is not about weak or strong gun laws, it's about values and character. This is pure grandstanding at your expense. Please, wake the f#@$ up!!!!
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Dennis Malloy. Any opinions expressed are Dennis's own.