There are some things you can't unsee, and some things you can't unhear.

We're putting the NJ 101.5 Low-Rehearsal Band's latest masterpiece, "If I Had a Billion Dollars," into the latter category.

With it looking more and more likely that Saturday's Powerball could reach $1 Billion or more, we started wondering what we'd do with all of that money. These New Jerseyians told us what they'd do — and it all sounded so charitable and responsible. We went ... a different route.

That's digital managing editor Louis C. Hochman on the left, receptionist and sales assistant Breana Rehak on guitar, and senior news anchor (and indisputable rock star) Joe Cutter on the right. Now you know whom to blame.

(Oh, that line about Napoleon's private parts? It's really true. Mentally flash "The More You Know" logo, now, please).

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