One has to do what one has to do in this economy, but did you, as either a waiter or waitress, ever go through something like this?

This come out of JC where there was a report that a woman hit a Chinese restaurant worker with metal post after a fight developed between the waiter and customer over the customer's asking for more salt!

The woman reportedly struck the waiter when as the argument got heated over the aforementioned condiment!

Police say that when the woman became abusive, she then picked up a nearby metal post (there just happened to be one handy), hit the waiter in the back, and ran out of the restaurant.

I know it gets pretty bad when you have a full house, and one of your tables is complaining that their dish isn’t hot enough, or the prime rib is so rare that if they stick a fork in it, it “moos”, but did it ever get as bad as this?

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