Coast Guard urges caution ahead of NJ nor’easter
ATLANTIC CITY - Many boaters have likely taken their boats out of the water for the winter, but those who left them in should be cautious about the approaching storm. With the National Weather Service issuing a coastal flood advisory, boats on the water may be at even greater risk.
Especially for people in the southern part of the state and Delaware, the United States Coast Guard is urging people to stay safe during what could be a powerful storm affecting their area. The storm, which should reach full power tonight, and last through Tuesday, is expected to bring higher tides to the shoreline. As a result, the National Weather Service has issued a coastal flood advisory .
For boaters that can include moving their crafts, even larger ones, into protected marinas in order to keep them from coming loose from their moorings or suffer other damage. Smaller boats, they say, should be taken off the water completely if at all possible. "Regardless of location, all loose items aboard vessels should be secured or removed," advised the Coast Guard in a statement.
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Contact reporter Adam Hochron at 609-359-5326 or Adam.Hochron@townsquaremedia.com
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