After finishing up his weeklong diet of living on food stamps, Newark Mayor Cory Booker made the suggestion that he may be looking at a run for Governor next.

Personally I think he’s a little lightheaded from the lack of food and sacrificing caffeine, but, according to this:

The 43-year-old Democrat described how he planned to campaign against incumbent Gov. Chris Christie in a video interview with the Huffington Post before circling back and saying he hadn’t made up his mind yet.

"When I go out and campaign for myself next year as a gubernatorial candidate, or for another gubernatorial candidate should I decide not to run – when I talk to crowds or to individuals advocating for whoever that candidate is, I'm not gonna do it on anything but the issues and the facts,” he said.

The potentially telling slip came after Booker told “Face the Nation” on Sunday that he would make his decision in the next 10 days.

Sounds to me like the cat is part of the way out of the bag.

Do you feel Cory Booker would make a good Governor?

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