Rally against flu vaccine mandate set for Thursday in Trenton (Opinion)
The New Jersey Assembly and Senate are set to meet this Thursday, Sept. 24, at the New Jersey Statehouse to push a flu vaccine mandate for all school children in the state. A rally is planned near the Statehouse Annex for 11 a.m. as the public is not allowed in during the proceedings. Most of the members of the New Jersey Legislature are expected to be in attendance.
If you recall large rallies were held this past January in opposition to eliminating the religious exemption for any childhood vaccinations. This bill, A4576, and the state Senate bill, S2907, are intended to make every student from pre-school through college get a flu vaccine as a condition for entry to school to avoid additional outbreaks during the COVID-19 panic.
The two main sponsors of the bill are Herb Conaway, D-Burlington, and Andrew Zwicker, D-Middlesex. Repeated calls have been made to their offices by concerned parents, but they are moving ahead with their planned legislation. So, the parents of New Jersey will be making their voices heard and their presence felt this Thursday the Statehouse.
"My body, my choice" seems to only pertain to abortion rights and nothing else, which seems kind of hypocritical and narrow-minded. Parents should be able to send their kids to public school, which they pay for out of exorbitant property taxes we pay, without forcing them to put something into their children's' body that they vehemently disagree with. Hopefully the peoples' voices will be listened to for a change in Trenton. AND WE DEFINITELY NEED A CHANGE IN TRENTON!
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Dennis Malloy. Any opinions expressed are Dennis' own.