An election to remember: Some in NJ voting for the first time!
Voting is on the minds of virtually all New Jerseyans today, one of the most momentous election days in recent memory.
Voters from all corners of the Garden State are taking to social media to give their take on how the day is going and to encourage their friends and followers to make their votes count while they still can,
For some people, this presidential election is their first time voting. Talk about being thrown into the deep end.
One thing on the minds of many people in the state: Marijuana may finally be legalized for recreational use.
Gov. Phil Murphy promised legalization when he campaigned for his current term but we've taken the scenic route in getting there, to say the least. If you've been living under a rock, this question is on the ballot this year. Here's what some people had to say.
Some people jumped at the opportunity to get a good gag in.
But one thing that seemed to be a commonality for most New Jerseyans ... the lack of "I Voted" stickers. Judging from some of the social media posts we're seeing, if you got one, consider yourself lucky.
Whatever happens today, this will be an election we will never forget.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 producer, writer, and host Joe Votruba. Any opinions expressed are his own.
Questions, corrections, or comments? Send Joe Votruba an email. Follow Joe on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.