Every Monday, we take the pulse of New Jersey by asking listeners to call in and answer the question "Where are you now?"   Continue reading to see what New Jersey residents were doing this Monday morning.

Robin in Toms River called in to say she was driving to visit her brother who she hasn't seen in two years.  Meanwhile, Michelle was sitting in a parking lot while waiting for her house to be fumigated for fleas.  Also this morning, Al was delivering Coca Cola to Baltimore where he would then pick up and deliver Viagra back to New Jersey.

Vinnie from Hazlet did not call in at all during "Where are you now?", which worried us greatly.  Vinnie usually calls in every Monday morning to let everyone know where he is.  Thank goodness he called in later in the show to tell us he had just gotten a new dog and was spending time with it.  Apparently, this was more important than calling into the show. These were just some of the stories from listeners on what they were doing this Monday morning. So we ask you the question..."Where are you now?"

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