Time to focus on co-morbidities instead of COVID (Opinion)
As the big pharma companies and hospitals continue the never-ending push for pills and vaccines for healthy people who have nearly zero risk of dying from COVID, we are ignoring one of the most important facts. The fact that nearly all people who have died with a positive covid test had between two and three co-morbidities.
We live in a nation where we have out-of-control obesity, with nearly half of all Americans considered obese, unhealthy eating habits with so much processed and sugar filled foods, and very few getting the exercise that healthy humans need.
With 330 million Americans, these numbers are staggering.
Given the incredibly low risk of dying with COVID for healthy and unhealthy people, it would seem that COVID isn't the problem. The problem is the unhealthy lifestyle that plagues nearly all age groups in the US. What if we started focusing on addiction, diabetes, heart disease and the incredible benefits of healthy eating, exercise and hydration? We see the numbers across the globe as nations that are totally open — like Sweden — have achieved lower rates of COVID deaths and cases than many other countries. We see it close to home with states like Florida and Texas, to name just two that are open and whose recent numbers show lower COVID rates than some states that implemented and maintained stricter measures, such as New Jersey and New York.
By contrast, lockdown states, like New Jersey and New York, are still showing transmission and positive tests at much higher rates than the open states. If masks worked to stop the spread so well, why are masked countries like Canada, Australia and Austria all seeing huge numbers of COVID infections? If COVID is so deadly to healthy people, why are stadiums packed every weekend with no covid outbreaks? No spike in hospitalizations? I'm old enough to remember the late winter and early spring of 2020 when I warned that closing the country would have disastrous consequences. It was during that same time that I had conversations on the morning show about the rapidly mutating virus that spread further with every mutation...but a sobering article from the National Institutes of Health should calm fears if we're actually listening to science.
"In response, we can look to the 2002–2003 SARS-CoV epidemic. Large deletions in the open reading frame 8 (ORF8) region and mutations in the spike (S) protein were discovered during the early stages of the outbreak and eventually dominated the epidemic, suggesting that these were adaptations to humans12,13. Based on this observation, some hypothesized that virus genetic changes in part drove the SARS epidemic, but this claim is unsubstantiated14. So, could SARS-CoV-2 adapt in the same way? Yes. Will adaptation precipitate more deaths? Unlikely."
Remember, so many of the PCR tests that are coming back positive are from healthy people, as everyone from government workers to bank tellers is forced to test. This perpetuates the narrative of fearing "asymptomatic" people, AKA HEALTHY. And how many unhealthy people who have tested positive upon entering a hospital have serious co-morbidities?
Now, imagine for a moment we stopped testing healthy people and practiced the "Focused Protection" advocated by some of the leading medical minds in the world from Harvard, Oxford and Stanford? Imagine if the entire nation followed the lead of Sweden and Florida?
If you live in the 42 states not requiring masks on kids as young as two, or one of the nine states which have either banned mask mandates or refuse to enforce them, you don't have to imagine.
The reality of a post-COVID world has already set in for most of the nation and the world. Unfortunately, for the scared people in NJ waiting for the government and big pharma to "save" them, it sure looks like a return to full normal is gonna take some time.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Bill Spadea. Any opinions expressed are Bill's own. Bill Spadea is on the air weekdays from 6 to 10 a.m., talkin’ Jersey, taking your calls at 1-800-283-1015.