Cherry Blossom Festival postponed, but you can get into the spirit
Update: Though not all county event pages reflect the change, the Cherry Blossom Festival originally described in this is postponed, and Branch Book Park is closed, according to the Essex County Park System's Facebook page.
However, the county is holding a contest to keep the spirit of the event alive.
"The County of Essex is having a 30-second video contest about what you like about the cherry blossom trees. Instead of visiting the park, share your story or poem, use your phone and have your family/production team help out while we all practice social distancing!" it writes on Facebook.
Winners will have their 30-second video shown at the Newark International Film Festival in September.
"Depending on whether COVID-19 limitations are still in place, you may walk the red carpet with the stars or see your video screened online!" the county writes. "The winners will also be granted four all-access passes to the Newark International Film Festival along with a swag bag of goodies."
Submissions can be sent to Lisa Payne at lpayne@parks.essexcountynj.org by April 24.
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