An American flag hoisted at ground zero hours after the Sept. 11 terror attacks has taken its place at the World Trade Center complex after disappearing for more than a decade.
The re-opening of the World Trade Center mall Tuesday, is expected to help transform downtown Manhattan shopping and illustrate how much progress has been made in rebuilding and revitalizing the area since the 9/11 attacks.
To mark the 15th anniversary of the terror attacks, the 9/11 memorial museum is staging a major special exhibition. It features artists who have transformed a day of terror -- often with personal links -- into works of both grief and tenderness.
Last week we told you about Princeton's controversial concealment of a steel beam from the Sept. 11 World Trade Center wreckage. During our discussion Senator Kip Bateman pledged to help make this memorial public, and today he called to give us an update on his efforts to #FreeTheBeam.
During the 9/11 terrorist attacks welders cut out crosses from wrecked World Trade Center beams and placed them on stretchers when first responders were found dead. Tragically, one of those beams now sits veiled in a Princeton firehouse, when it should stand as a public memorial.
A 71-year-old Colorado woman severely injured in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing was left elated and then disappointed this week after a court reinstated a $5.2 million jury award for her injuries two days before the owner of the now-destroyed twin towers delayed payment by planning another appeal.