The grants, in amounts up to $5,000, will be reimbursements for August rent or mortgage payments. It's a first step in advance of expected federal help.
A new law will provide $25 million in grants to businesses with five workers or fewer. Unemployment filings rose last week to their highest since January.
The COVID-19 crisis has caused an unprecedented disruption in our lives, fundamentally changing the way we do our jobs while causing companies to re-think how they operate.
Small businesses might need personal protective equipment for months or longer. The state wants to see if their collective buying power can be pooled to help.
Thousands of applicants for grants and loans won't be helped because not enough funds are available. Private, philanthropic and federal funds might help.
The state estimates 3,000 to 5,000 small businesses in New Jersey could benefit from the new initiatives, which may ramp up further with federal funds.
Gov. Phil Murphy’s administration is reorganizing the state’s job training efforts in an effort to better align education programs with the talent needs of employers
Gov. Phil Murphy chatted up his long-stalled economic plan in a meeting with mayors, council members and county officials at the League of Municipalities.