New Jersey is getting better about divulging its tops-in-the-nation debt burden but still isn’t entirely up front about the depth of that hole, says a think tank report.
A Republican lawmaker believes that if New Jersey were to guarantee pension payments in its constitution, the law should provide for a temporary "escape hatch" in years that tax collections fall short, and public employees should agree to significant changes in their health benefits.
Gov. Chris Christie shot down the idea he has a love-hate relationship with Senate President Steve Sweeney -- who might not mind some distance heading toward 2017.
New Jersey can save more than $2 billion annually by reducing health benefits for public pensioners, according to a new report released Thursday by a panel appointed by Gov. Chris Christie to look at the state's pension funding crisis.
Employers are leaving a bigger chunk of the bill for care to workers who use their health insurance, and benefits experts see few signs of this trend slowing.
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Supreme Court is poised to deliver its verdict in a case that weighs the religious rights of employers and the right of women to the birth control of their choice.
Police unions across the U.S. are pushing for officers to be able to collect workers' compensation benefits if they suffer post-traumatic stress disorder, whether they got it from the general stress of police work or from responding to a deadly shooting rampage.
AOL Corp. CEO Tim Armstrong has abandoned an unpopular plan to delay company contributions to employee retirement accounts and apologized for citing two high-cost births as part of the impetus for the plan.
Nationwide, according to a survey by Mercer in Princeton, the average cost of health benefits for employees increased in 2012 by 4.1%, the smallest amount in 15 years. In New Jersey alone, though, health coverage climbed 6.6%, and the growth should continue in 2013.