Food Stamps

Food Stamp Program Aggressively Enrolls Foreigners – Fair or Not [AUDIO, POLL]
Food Stamp Program Aggressively Enrolls Foreigners – Fair or Not [AUDIO, POLL]
Food Stamp Program Aggressively Enrolls Foreigners – Fair or Not [AUDIO, POLL]
I made a point of talking about the abuses to the Food Stamp program a couple of weeks ago; and was fortunate to have on the air with me Assemblyman Gary Chiusano, who reiterated what he had told our David Matthau The bill he wanted to introduce that would attempt to end abuses to the Food Stamp program here in NJ...
Food Stamp Program Cuts – Fair or Unfair [POLL, VIDEO]
Food Stamp Program Cuts – Fair or Unfair [POLL, VIDEO]
Food Stamp Program Cuts – Fair or Unfair [POLL, VIDEO]
I hope never to have to go on food stamps. However, the program has been a lifeline for many here in New Jersey and across the nation. For others though, it’s become a way of life, and one can’t deny that there have been abuses of the program. With the federal deficit being as high as it is, so cuts are in order.