New Jersey would become the latest in a growing number of states behind California to phase out the sale of new gas powered cars and light trucks by 2035 — if adopted by year's end.
In a typical New Jersey winter over the last decade, the state Department of Transportation dumps 300,000 tons of rock salt and 1.7 million gallons of brine on its roads and bridges, and it has to eventually go somewhere.
At the legislative buzzer, New Jersey lawmakers voted to approve a measure that would ban packing peanuts and dictate the amount of recycled content that makes up many common plastic and glass products.
One of the first states to make the move, New Jersey has announced the adoption of rules that will require the phasing in of electric commercial trucks, to replace diesel-guzzling trucks on the road today.
A new report suggests transitioning homes and businesses to electric-only power by 2050 would equate to removing more than 2 million gasoline-powered cars from Jersey roadways.