Paramus latest to get pop-up drive-in movies
How would you like to see Night At The Museum on July 3 and never get out of your car?
No baseball season? Watch The Sandlot on July 10.
Or watch The Princess Bride on July 17 and without bothering anybody be able to recite the line along with the movie, “hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.”
Yes we’re talking drive-in movies which are coming back to New Jersey in a big way since COVID-19 so severely limited our entertainment options. The latest pop-up drive-ins are coming to Paramus at the Westfield Garden State Plaza parking lot and to Midland Avenue south of Paramus Park. The movies I listed are scheduled at that first one at the mall. It’s being operated by MegaBite Events. The other at 49 East Midland Ave. is operated by Digital Sound, Light and Video Inc.
Mayor Richard LaBarbiera explained to NorthJersey.com that the township streamlined the process to get the businesses up and running quickly. He’s hoping people take advantage of a good opportunity to have some safe entertainment.
Personally I hope these stay. It would be a fun novelty to go back in time and watch a movie from your car again. They were once the rage in New Jersey but now the only full-time drive-in theater in the Garden State is in Vineland, quite a drive for some of us. I’d love to see a movie this way again. The drive-ins began closing down when I was still really little. I never was old enough to drive myself there before they were a thing of the past.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Jeff Deminski. Any opinions expressed are Jeff Deminski's own.
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