Masking kids in schools is unnecessary and detrimental to their learning (Opinion)
We already know kids for the most part don’t get coronavirus. We also know it’s difficult for kids to sit around in school and try to pay attention. The idea of having your kid sit in school all day with a mask on is so preposterous that if you tried to sell me a Hollywood movie about it I would say it would be the stupidest plot line ever. The sight of kids running around in masks is so sad to me and the idea of them sitting there from morning till afternoon trying to concentrate on learning and breathing is absurd.
In an article on nj.com, NJ school districts are asking you to “mask train” your kids to help them build up “mask endurance.” The article says that so far, the Union County school district is among those that will be requiring students to wear face coverings all day in school. I am sure that other schools will follow suit. The state guidelines call for all teachers to be required to wear masks and students to be “strongly encouraged” to. It’s hard enough to get kids to concentrate on their studies when they can breathe freely. This nonsense with kids wearing masks is a recipe for disaster.
Schools should open normally and have parents who are afraid of their kids attending avail themselves of the option to either homeschool or have remote learning. Any kid who goes to school in an actual building should be told, as he always should, to try to stay away from kids who are sick, wash his hands frequently and get on with the business of being educated. Masking kids in school is not only unnecessary, but I’m sure it will be detrimental to kids and their learning. Are you ok with this? Stop the insanity (before it starts!) of kids wearing masks in school.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Judi Franco. Any opinions expressed are Judi's own.
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