Like anything else – be it cellphones, cable, computers, can you see yourself doing without social media?

It’s ubiquitous – whether you use it for marketing, playing games, or to reconnect with old friends, social media has become part of the landscape.

And we have that “child” genius Mark Zuckerberg in part to thank for that.

Today he gleefully marks the 10th anniversary of Facebook – the medium some think will bring about the ruination of society, but others, like myself, use it as a platform to connect with the rest of “world.”

Do you feel, now that it’s been around for as long as it has, that you can live without it?

I’d like to think I can, but know full well we don’t live in that world anymore.

Just like having online access is a necessary tool in being able to conduct day to day business, so too is being connected by one or another social media site.

Do you feel you need to be connected to the rest of world via social media – or do you value your privacy to the point of limiting your exposure online?

Mark Zuckerberg ‘Likes” where his grand experiment is going in the next decade.

The Facebook founder, who marked the 10-year anniversary of the ubiquitous social media network, said Tuesday that the website’s best days are still ahead and shared some details of his own usage habits.

Zuckerberg told the “Today” show. “I've spent a lot of late nights pacing around my living room with teammates just trying to plot out what our next move can be in order to keep pushing forward on this mission,” “But one of the big things that I've taken away from the last 10 years is, there's always a next move and you just need to keep on pushing forward and keep on doing the best thing that you can.”

Facebook has sustained and grown exponentially for the past decade. The tech giant became a public traded company and reached 1 billion users.

There was a perception that the website was losing its young user base and replacing it with mothers and grandmothers. But a Pew Research Center survey revealed that 73% of kids between the ages of 12 and 17 are using Facebook.

Zuckerberg told “Today” that he fills his page with photos of his dog, Beast, much like many of his animal-loving users.

Facebook also generated a one-minute video for each of its users, chronicling their most well-received posts. The “Look Back” feature is expected to hit pages at some point Tuesday.

I’ve always said that Facebook to me is a marketing tool. I use it to post topics and gauge your response to them.

However were I to not need it for that anymore, I seriously doubt I’d be closing my site anytime soon.

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