10 lies New Jersey parents (and grandparents) told
There are so many myths that we all believed as children. Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, not to mention probable death if you swam right after eating! That’s the thing about childhood. The only truths you know are those that your parents tell you. How disillusioned are you then, when you find out that some of it was just pure unadulterated BS. (Like, is it bad that I tell my grandkids that kids who whine end up stuffed in my sofa pillows?)
We asked our listeners what some of the lies were that their parents (or grandparents) told them. Turns out, New Jersey parents are not only the savviest, but also the best liars! Check out some of these doozies that New Jersey parents came up with!
- “My mother used to tell me that if I didn’t share my food with my brothers and sisters that I would get a pimple on my tongue”
- “Since they always knew if I was lying, My parents said they could always tell when I was lying because kids would get a red dot on their foreheads that indicated that they were lying. Of course I could never see it because it was something only parents could see.”
- “I always loved Flintstone vitamins as a kid and my brothers and I would try to sneak more than one a day out of the bottle. Eventually my mom told us that if you eat more than one a day they would explode in your stomach. We never took more than one after that.”
- “My grandma used to say that if I sat with my legs open I’d catch a cold ‘up there’.”
- “My mom had a great way of getting us to behave when she took us into department stores. She told us that all of the mannequins we saw were originally real people who misbehaved.”
- “My dad said that if I sat too close to the TV or if I watched for too long that my eyes would melt.”
- “My mother claimed that if we ate candy in the morning we would become diabetic.”
- “My grandmother said that if I ever raised my hand to my mom, my hand would stick out of my grave when I died.”
- “We’d always beg for ice cream when we’d pass an ice cream place while driving around with either of our parents. Both of our parents would tell us that they only sold ice cream on Sunday that’s why they called them ice cream Sundaes.”
- “The easiest way for my mom to get me to listen when we were in a public place was for her to tell me that the man was going to come yell at me. It didn’t matter where we were, there was apparently some angry man in every store or restaurant waiting to come yell at me. It must’ve worked because I never saw the man!”
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