People’s attitudes are becoming worse than COVID-19 itself (Opinion)
No one is sure when life will begin to return to any semblance of normal here in New Jersey. One thing is for sure: Tensions are getting high.
Over the weekend I saw a teenage girl walking down the sidewalk without a mask, as she is allowed to do, and an elderly lady wearing a mask walking toward her. The elderly woman walked way to the side and waved at the girl to stay far away as she passed. A pointless, stupid gesture, meant only to shame the young lady for not wearing a mask.
The media and some government officials have so terrorized the public into thinking we're all going to die if we don't shut down the world. It will take a lot longer for people to come out of the panic over this virus than it will for the virus to subside. A restaurant owner near me said a man came in Saturday for takeout and told the manager he will never come back to this place again. He said, "you're stupid and you didn't follow the rules. I have heart disease and it wasn't safe in there," according to the restuarant owner. There were four other customers in the establishment waiting for their orders, all wearing masks and keeping a safe distance from each other. But the man, in his 70s, had to let out his frustrations on the manager because HE has a health issue. Then stay the f*** home, you nasty old man. Or call from outside and the establishment would be happy to bring your food to your car!
How will stores and restaurants possibly be able to operate at a profitable level if people are going to be paranoid panicked Pattys? If you have an issue then take precautions. The world can't stop because you're afraid of getting a virus. During bad flu seasons, over 60,000 people die nationwide. Should we act this way every flu season? When speed limits are raised on highways, the traffic deaths increase. Should we make every interstate 40 mph?
Yes, hopefully COVID-19 is subsiding, but here in New Jersey peoples' stupidity is on the rise. Be careful out there ... some of them live on your street.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Dennis Malloy. Any opinions expressed are Dennis' own.
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