June 8 is an important date. It's the Republican Primary in New Jersey when voters decide who will be facing Phil Murphy in November.

Yes, it's an election year. If you're fed up with sanctuary state nonsense, borrowing billions without taxpayer approval, and the mishandling of certain aspects of the pandemic, remember June 8.

I've never voted in a primary before because I never wanted to declare an affiliation with one particular party. I heeded George Washington's warning about a two-party system long ago and knowing no one candidate is ever perfectly aligned with all my views I vote for the man and not blindly for the party.

This year is different. I plan on voting in the primary because I think Jack Ciattarelli is the only guy who can defeat Phil Murphy and do a great job as governor.

Look at the guy's life and resume. He's a Jersey guy to the core, not like the carpetbagging Murphy who grew up in Massachusetts. Jack Ciattarelli was born and raised in Raritan Borough. That's just south of the famous Somerville circle for those who don't know.

He was raised by two very hard-working parents who had regular jobs but also managed to run a bar/restaurant on top of it. He understands what the restaurant industry is going through during pandemic restrictions better than anybody.

He went to Seton Hall. He has a B.S. in accounting and an MBA in finance. He's worked as an accountant and with an entrepreneurial spirit started his own businesses publishing medical books.

At 28 he was recruited by the mayor as being a young, sharp guy who'd be perfect on the borough council. He won and served at that local level for years. Then once living in Hillsborough went on to serve at the county level as a freeholder. At the state level he served in the Assembly.

So think about it. A Jersey guy who understands money, hard work, and has been successful in business with public service experience at the local, county and state level. So far I'm liking everything about Jack Ciattarelli.

We had him on the show for a conversation Wednesday. If you missed it, check it out.

The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Jeff Deminski. Any opinions expressed are Jeff Deminski's own.

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