New Jersey is running out of patience (Opinion)
This virus is taking its toll on us in so many ways. The biggest of which now is patience. When I asked my Facebook friends, "What have you run out of and what are you using instead," I was thinking toilet paper-coffee filters (yeah I know but next time you're in that situation, you'll thank me for the idea).
The biggest response I got was patience. We're running out of patience with this whole situation. This is a bad episode of the Twilight Zone, a Stephen King book that you'd be too scared to read.
Something along the lines of:
"Imagine if you will you're confined to your home 24/7 with your family or whoever you're living with. You can't have any social contact and must stay six feet apart. There is to be no human contact and if you do venture out, there's a deadly virus that can live hours to days on everything and can destroy your lungs and possibly kill you. You have no idea of you have it or if anyone you know or come in contact with has it. There is no cure and a shortage of people and equipment to help those who get it. How long can we live like this in The Twilight Zone?"
Here's what else you came up with.
Carlo Bellario: "Patience and I'm on pure adrenalin."
Robert E. Fausak: "PATIENCE Steve..... Google:
From Wikipedia, Patience:
'Patience is the ability to endure difficult circumstances such as perseverance in the face of delay; tolerance of provocation without responding in annoyance/anger; or forbearance when under strain, especially when faced with longer-term difficulties. Patience is the level of endurance one can have before negativity'."
Deena Gordon: "Robert E. Fausak, I agree and was going to say the same thing."
Garth H. Raymond: "Patience...using sheer willpower. Applies specifically to idiots not following basic courtesies while shopping, driving, commenting. Pretty much everything!"
Bob DiSogra: "I’ve run out of patience and now using prayer!"
Dave Bell: "I think everyone has run out of the same thing PATIENCE. I'm using vodka instead."
Susan Rochester Zucconi: "Wine.... Using Vodka on the rocks."
Mary Anne Kelly Hobbs-Fernie: Holding up ok. Lost my job but the family is together and healthy.
Jan Dee Phillips: "Patience - wisdom."
Giulio Poli: "Nothing I was raised in Union city on West Street."
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