Murphy: Bill of Rights is ‘above my pay grade’ (Opinion)
Most of the time, when New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy is interviewed, he's isn't challenged as hard as he was on Wednesday night. When he is, he makes a "note to self ... don't go on there again."
He must have made himself that note right after he concluded his interview with Tucker Carlson on Fox News. Carlson was extremely cordial and didn't try to badger Uncle Phil or corner him with any "gotcha" questions. He simply asked him to explain a few things that a lot of Americans, and more specifically New Jersey residents, would like to know.
We can't continue in this shutdown much longer without a collapse of some kind. Folks are starting to get restless and Murphy is likely to face more than a tough interview on cable TV soon, if he doesn't loosen his grip on our rights as free citizens.
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