Anti-VAX fakers use word freedom yet deny freedom of others (Opinion)
If this doesn’t make you mad you’re part of the problem.
A lot of people who won’t get vaccinated against COVID-19 and talk about their freedom of choice are not respecting the freedom of choice of others. Many are now buying fake vaccination cards on the internet or other sources to lie their way through processes set up by private businesses or colleges and universities.
As more work places are requiring the vaccine as a condition of employment, as more restaurants in New Jersey are requiring it to dine indoors, as more concert venues and promoters are asking for it for admission, more people are turning to forgeries to pretend they’ve been vaccinated when they have not.
If you don’t want to get with the program to protect yourself and others, that’s fine. But put your big kid pants on and realize you have grownup choices to make in life. Despite what you’d like to believe we are still in a worldwide pandemic. Your denial of reality does not alter it. If you put your body remaining vaccine-free above your job, then look for a new one and live with your decision. Even more selfishly are those who will lie their way into a concert or a restaurant when they don’t want you there. If you don’t care for a business exercising their freedom to run their own business the way they see fit during a pandemic, start your own.
You might like to speak in terms of your liberties and your rights and your freedom of choice regarding the vaccine. But freedom only seems to matter if it’s YOUR freedom.
Private business has every right and freedom to make the rules during this pandemic. If you are opposed, don’t lie like a sneaky child. Be an adult and recognize their rights and their freedoms the way you would your own. ran this article on how one New Jersey hospital is fighting back against the increasing number of fake vaccination cards by teaming with a global security firm to provide digital fraud-proof vaccination records. Sad that it has to come to that. But that’s the nature of selfish people.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Jeff Deminski. Any opinions expressed are Jeff Deminski's own.