According to this article, the Union Township School District in court papers is citing a number of things we didn't know before, things that far exceed Vicki Knox's already egregious anti-gay Facebook rants. For that alone, openly defying her own school's anti-bullying policy when it came to GLBT students, she needs to be fired. The tenure charges against her that recently went into motion can't conclude soon enough considering the latest.

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According to the court document, Knox denied services to a special-ed student who was wearing a gay pride bracelet. So for every morally indignant Vicki Knox supporter who had been claiming that her hateful opinions wouldn't impact the way she treated students, well there you go.


There was also an in-class discussion of the Tyler Clementi case where according to court documents she said, just as she had on Facebook, that homosexuality was wrong, a sin, that "breeds like cancer". Right to the class, to the students.

Also led prayers in a student club meeting in violation of federal law and district policy.

Her lawyer is still defending her of course, saying, "At no time did Ms. Knox beseech others to look at her private Facebook page." Well I guess she didn't have to. She stands accused of spreading her hate mongering right in class.

Her lawyer also said, "The students are better served with Ms. Knox being employed as a teacher than without her guidance, supervision and love."

With love like that, she might as well just drive kids like Tyler Clementi to the George Washington Bridge herself.

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