Father's Day

10 Terrible Father’s Day Gifts
10 Terrible Father’s Day Gifts
10 Terrible Father’s Day Gifts
We're not here to tell you how to run your life. We're mostly just here to provide you with cute pictures of kittens and GIFs you might like. But, if we could make a suggestion, don't get your dad any of these things for Father's Day.
Who Are TV’s Best Dads?
Who Are TV’s Best Dads?
Who Are TV’s Best Dads?
In honor of Father's Day this Sunday, Deminski & Doyle are curious to know who you think are the best dads in television history. Jeff's favorite is Andy Griffith as Andy Taylor in "The Andy Griffith Show". Bill Doyle's pick is Ty Burrell who portrays Phil Dunphy on "Modern Family". My...
My Dad’s Adventures! Happy Father’s Day, Dad!
My Dad’s Adventures! Happy Father’s Day, Dad!
My Dad’s Adventures! Happy Father’s Day, Dad!
I would like to publicly wish my Dad, Howard, a very Happy Father's Day!  He has set a lifelong example, and I know that I am a better person for the life that he has lead! Further, I would like to salute him on his latest "adventure!"
My Dad
My Dad
My Dad
I have a quote from Calvin Coolidge that my dad kept on his desk.  Heavy stuff I know, but it pretty much sums up his persona.