
Peep Attack
Peep Attack
Peep Attack
The week leading up to Easter, we found out about Bill Doyle's irrational hatred for the greatest East candy ever devised...the marshmallow Peep. Then I found this video. Someday, someone HAS to do this to Doyle's front lawn. The guy who not only loathes Peeps, but gets angry if a dog innocently lifts a leg near his grass or a chipmunk even dares to stroll across his property line... Read
Halloween Candy + No Kids = Fail
Halloween Candy + No Kids = Fail
Halloween Candy + No Kids = Fail
We had this conversation on air just yesterday.  I bought very little Halloween candy to dole out to kids because I'm back to living in a condo complex.  My theory has been parents tend not to send kids trick or treating in apartment or condo complexes...