Just in case you think deer season is over, you should know that I almost hit one last week. In fact, I almost hit four. A whole family of them.

Looking into it, I find out that we still have a few weeks to go until the “rut" is officially over.

So yes, it’s the season of deer. Live ones and dead ones. It happens every year here in New Jersey. And we’ve all gotten used to dodging deer in NJ, but when you see a dead one along the side of the road what do you do?


Do you just drive by and cringe..or sometimes peek?

Some weirdos actually get out of their cars and try to tend to an injured or dead deer. Don’t do that.

There are health concerns with dead deer on the road..decaying deer carcasses can be unhealthy, unsightly and dangerous.

But perhaps, as you’ve driven by, you’ve wondered if there is something you’re supposed to do. Someone to call? Well, The NJ Department of Transportation wants to know if you spot dead deer on the highways.


You can help by reporting deer carcasses that you see on the highways. Fill out the online form as you would for other trouble spots/debris on the highways. Bookmark this link throughout deer season (which runs until mid-December) and if you see a dead deer on the road, submit a report.

Yes, I know that’s also the link to report potholes. But it serves as a site for all road maintenance and hazard issues.

Alternatively, you can try calling New Jersey deer carcass management of the State of New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) at 609-588-6212 and this time of year you should probably store that number in your phone.

LOOK: Here are the states where you are most likely to hit an animal

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Gallery Credit: Dom DiFurio & Jacob Osborn

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Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Judi Franco only.

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