This is probably an unpopular opinion but stuffing is my favorite Thanksgiving side dish. I’m not a turkey fan which is usually the highlight of the holiday dinner, but not in my book.

My mom makes the best cornbread stuffing. She throws some sausage in there so you get that salty and savory mix. It’s fantastic and one of the side dishes that everyone sitting at the table is helping themselves to a second serving.

Homemade Turkey Thanksgiving Dinner

If you don’t have stuffing on the table for Thanksgiving, is it even Thanksgiving?

But cornbread stuffing is only one of many different ways to make this dish.

Yahoo went through some of Google’s trends (ironic?) to see what kind of recipes people around the country are searching for during the holiday season and stuffing was the top trend.

Looking at this map is very interesting and who knew there were this many different versions of Thanksgiving stuffing?

When it comes to New Jersey, it’s almost obvious. Our favorite stuffing recipe is Italian stuffing.

Turkey stuffing and cranberry sauce

We all love it and there are different ways to even make that kind of stuffing, but again, it’s so obvious for New Jersey.

What surprised me is that we aren’t the only ones loving on Italian stuffing.

Is your guess New York? Nope, that’s not it.

Apparently, the Midwest is cooking up Italian stuffing too. It’s Nebraska’s favorite kind of stuffing for Thanksgiving.


Cornbread stuffing is a popular one in the south.

Some states are lazy and just add the turkey to the stuffing to make turkey stuffing.

But there are other states that have me questioning my palate.

South Carolina’s favorite stuffing is oyster stuffing, Oklahoma’s favorite is red jello stuffing, and Connecticut’s is turkey fruit stuffing.

But North Dakota is on another level. Their favorite is keto cauliflower stuffing. What is stuffing without carbs?

I’ll stick with Jersey’s Italian stuffing on Thanksgiving.

The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5's Morning Show Producer Kristen. Any opinions expressed are her own.

Questions, corrections, or comments? Send Producer Kristen an email at or follow her on Instagram.

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