I’m looking forward to the 28th Polar Bear Plunge on the boardwalk and beach of Seaside Heights, NJ coming up on Saturday, Feb. 26. I’ve been fortunate enough to be the voice of the plunge for 25 of the 28 years. I’ve watched this event climb and grow way beyond expectations in raising needed monies for Special Olympics New Jersey.

2017 Special Olympics New Jersey Polar Bear Plunge
Andrew Miller

The success of the event has been largely due to the support of the law enforcement community who always step up to help the cause. In 2020, over 8,000 people jumped into the 35-degree waters of the ocean to raise $2.5 million! That is just an incredible amount of money.

2017 Special Olympics New Jersey Polar Bear Plunge
Andrew Miller

Seaside Heights Police Chief Tommy Boyd estimated the crowd at close to 50,000 people who came out to enjoy the festivities. I did my broadcast from atop the second floor of the Spicy Cantina right on the boardwalk with the best seat in the house overlooking the big event.

Polar Bear Plunge 2019
(Bud McCormick)

It’s a day of fun, camaraderie and philanthropy as raising $2.5 million for Special Olympics is what it’s all about.

Townsquare Media
Townsquare Media

I am a big fan of Special Olympics New Jersey. They operate by applying close to 90% of all the monies collected going straight to the many programs and sports activities that serve more than 26,000 Special Olympic participants. That is an incredible statistic and one of the reasons why I lend my support.

So this year the Plunge will go on strong with an outdoor event with lots of opportunity to social distance with space.

As you are well aware we’ve had to make changes every day to the activities that we enjoyed back in 2020. The fact still remains that charities such as Special Olympics New Jersey continue to need your help.

Ron Parry
Ron Parry

Please support them this year. Your donation matters. Thank you for stepping up as you always do and here’s to the 29th Annual Polar Bear Plunge back this year, bigger and better than ever.

The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 weekend host Big Joe Henry. Any opinions expressed are Big Joe’s own.

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