I'm the same as you. I've heard all the speeches and the rhetoric from many NJ politicians and I'm absolutely sick of it!

We're living in a state where the politicians just seem to want to make things worse. Our legislators will say that the proposed gas tax will be offset by a reduction in the estate tax. Nothing in this state comes without a price. You can't raise one tax and expect others to go down. It just doesn't happen. As it stands now, you'd drop a tax that affects a very small percentage of NJ residents while hiking the gas tax that would affect almost everyone.

While our legislators may not think it is a big deal, a hike in the gas tax could the difference for a lot of NJ residents. It could mean the difference between whether a couple decides to go for a night out or whether a family purchases a new car or not.

Listen to my full rant from this morning's show in the clip below.

I was also joined this morning by Assemblyman Erik Peterson from Hunterdon County.  Assemblyman Peterson has been beating the drum against the proposed gas tax as well.

"People here in the 23rd legislative district are overtaxed. And this is just another tax that they can't afford. The economy  hasn't gotten better and people are struggling. To put another burden on them is unfair and not right" Peterson stated.

Peterson believes that before we even have a discussion about a gas tax, we need to put pressure on the leadership to address the costs of fixing NJ's roads. Before that happens, Peterson doesn't believe NJ legislators should be asking for any more money from taxpayers.

With such a wide range of the estimated costs to fix a mile of road in New Jersey, how can we even have a discussion about paying more money to fund the Transportation Trust Fund when the NJ DOT doesn't even know the true cost?

Listen to my full interview with Assemblyman Peterson in the clip below.


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