The 'givenor' and the 'spendit' president vow to ensure your property taxes will continue to skyrocket with their pre-school for all campaign. Don't get upset or oppose it, because it's FOR THE CHILDREN. Bulls***! It's for the teachers union and for control of your kids and society. It's got to be tempting for parents who need daycare to give into this, but three and four year olds don't need to be shove in government schools and indoctrinated they need to be nurtured by their families.

Murphy cited studies about brain development in young kids and claimed there's a great "return on investment" in getting babies into school as soon as they can. The only return on investment he and 'spendit' president Steve Sweeney are interested in is continued unwavering support from the teachers union. What person in this state doesn't have a teacher or other public worker in their family? Bingo! Even if you aren't directly in "the club", someone close to you probably is. That's why Murphy was elected and that's why the legislature will always be in control of the big government Democrat party.

So far the state plans to spend $806 million on pre-school this fiscal year and increase the number of school districts that currently receive state aide for the program. Sweeney's district in West Deptford got an increase from $1.2 million to $1.8 million in PRE-SCHOOL funding. They currently give state aid grants to 180 districts. Only 335 more to go!
Sweeney says studies have shown that 85% of brain development occurs between birth and five years old. Do you want that critical time being in a home setting with mom or public school?...I rest my case.

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