After being “Stronger Than The Storm," residents of Seaside Heights are finding themselves with another challenge after Thursday’s fire ripped through four blocks of boardwalk.

Spencer Platt, Getty Images
Spencer Platt, Getty Images

While onlookers stood and watched as Thursday ‘s blaze tore through roughly 50 businesses, many already had rebuilding on their mind. One resident believes the “silver lining” in the entire situation is it will allow new businesses to set up shop.

“Even though the new boardwalk was built and they had to tear it down to build a trench, you just do it all over again.”

Several people pointed out, another one of the “silver linings” was the fire occurring at the end of the summer season, when the boardwalk was empty and after businesses had a chance to make most of their seasonal profits.

“It sounds terrible, but it’s good. You get all the money all the profits in, because was a thing and all of the businesses were losing out on profits,” one person said.

However, with the emotional toll of the storm still not over, a historic fire is a lot for people to handle.

“There’s absolutely no words, how much is enough? When is it enough? We just have to come back stronger than we ever have, fix this, and move on.”

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