UFO over Parkway? NJ driver captures video of mystery lights in sky
UNION TOWNSHIP (Union) — What were the lights in the sky over the Garden State Parkway on Tuesday night? It was probably a police drone.
Chevy White told New Jersey 101.5 that he was heading south around 7:30 p.m. when he saw the blinking lights on a long object in the sky.
"At first I thought it was a tower with lights on it for airplanes at night to see because it was sitting still," White said. "Then it started to float over the Parkway slowly and at that time I couldn’t tell what it was. By the time it reached the other side, it got out of my view behind some trees. When traffic started moving I looked to my left and saw what almost looked like a airplane but the shape of it was slightly different and it was pretty big."
News 12 New Jersey reported Wednesday that township police had deployed a drone to search for a suspect.
State Police spokesman Lt. Ted Schafer said they did not receive any calls on Tuesday night about lights in the sky.
Contact reporter Dan Alexander at Dan.Alexander@townsquaremedia.com or via Twitter @DanAlexanderNJ