Top 5 Thanksgiving food favorites — Forever 39 Podcast
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It's almost time for one of the favorite eating holidays of the year — Thanksgiving!
In this Forever 39 episode, we reveal the foods we look forward to the most. After all, Thanksgiving is one of the few times during the year when it's perfectly acceptable to stuff our faces!
If turkey is your favorite, you've got a lot of company. A 2004 Gallup poll of over 1,000 adults finds that turkey rules as the most favorite Thanksgiving food or dish among Americans. Forty-nine percent of Americans said turkey was what they looked forward to the most.
Here's a look at the rest of the staples, and how they rank:
- Stuffing/Dressing — 14 percent
- Ham — 5 percent
- Mashed potatoes — 5 percent
- Pumpkin pie — 5 percent
- Sweet potatoes or yams — 3 percent
- Cranberry sauce — 2 percent
There are some differences among the generations. The Gallup poll finds that older generations favor turkey more than millennials. Only 40 percent of millennials said turkey is their favorite dish, that compares to 56 percent of Americans 50 years and older.
And if you still can't stomach the sight or taste of cranberry sauce, you'll be happy to know you're not the only one. Gallup also asked people what their least favorite Thanksgiving food is and cranberry sauce came out ahead, with 21 percent indicating it's their least favorite dish. Vegetables rank second at 17 percent.
Thanksgiving also ranks as the second favorite holiday among Americans, with 27 percent indicating it's their favorite. Christmas ranks first.
So what are you most looking forward to on November 23?
Also from this week's Forever 39 podcast — Why more women are cheating. PLUS: We name those we'd trade places with. Click on the podcast player above to hear the entire episode.
Share your thoughts on all of them below, on Twitter, on Facebook or at
— Annette and Megan, Forever 39
Join us for next week’s podcast when we chat about attractiveness in the workplace and sex scenes in movies. We'll also reveal what's in our handbags!
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