Today is National Name Yourself Day!
I’m forever enthralled by the many national days that exist that seem to come out of nowhere. You know, the national hug a friend day, national pizza topping day, national peanut butter day and the like. But today is a day I can really get behind. Because April 9th is national name yourself day.
Although no one really knows how this day originated, it actually exists! In order to celebrate this auspicious occasion you are encouraged to give yourself a new name just for this one day. Perhaps you’ve always hated your name. Today is the day you can change it! And even if you’ve loved your name, play along! Just pick a nickname! Maybe you’ll like it better than the one you were born with. Here’s how to officially celebrate: pick a new name and use the hashtag #NationalNameYourselfDay to share it on social media. And to dovetail this with another fun game, I’ve decided to use as my first name the name of my first Pet: Mickey, and as my last name, the street I grew up on: Chestnut.
(OK so that protocol is really to pick your porn-star name but it works here too).
So, all day today in my life-as well as on social media-I will be referred to as Mickey Chestnut. I know it seems like this makes no sense, but let’s be real; neither does National cinnamon crescent day, (April 10th) or national eight track tape day (April 11th).
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