These meteor showers might be best Christmas lights you’ll see
Astronomers say if you want to catch some amazing meteor showers in the skies over New Jersey you’re in luck this month. The best will be the Geminids. It happens Dec. 4 through Dec. 17 but will peak overnight Sunday Dec. 13 into Monday Dec. 14. There will be very little moonlight to disrupt it that night. A NASA meteor expert says it will be the best meteor shower of 2020 hands down.
This meteor shower normally offers 50 to 100 shooting stars per hour according to (And I can’t even get one side of my tree to light up)
Then there’s the Ursids, a meteor shower visible in the northern hemisphere from Dec. 17 to Dec. 26. The peak will be overnight Monday Dec. 21 into Tuesday Dec. 22. Moonlight will be more abundant though so these won’t be quite as visible as the Geminids.
Some helpful advice, and fairly obvious. Get as far away from city lights as you can. Also you don’t need any telescopes or special equipment. Lying on a blanket on the ground and staring straight up and trying to take in the sky as a whole is your best bet for catching them. The ideal time is after midnight and especially at 2 am.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Jeff Deminski. Any opinions expressed are Jeff Deminski's own.