There is a perception that the upcoming midterms would otherwise look disastrous for Democrats if not for the Dobbs decision, which may motivate some who disagreed with it to get out and vote next month.
The U.S. Supreme Court has temporarily blocked the state of New Jersey from withdrawing from a bistate commission formed in the 1950s to investigate corruption at the New York region's ports.
The Supreme Court struck down Texas' widely replicated regulation of abortion clinics Monday in the court's biggest abortion case in nearly a quarter century.
Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has released a list of 11 potential Supreme Court justices he plans to vet to fill the seat of late Justice Antonin Scalia.
Trump's picks include Steven Colloton of Iowa, Allison Eid of Colorado and Raymond Gruender of Missouri...
Nearly 2 in 3 Americans back Democrats' demands that the Republican-run Senate hold hearings and a vote on President Barack Obama's pick for the Supreme Court. But an Associated Press-GfK poll also suggests that GOP defiance against considering the nominee may not hurt the party much because, to many people, the election-year fight is simply not a big deal.
The stalled nomination of Judge Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court is giving President Barack Obama a chance to do what he says he's missed: go back to school.
President Barack Obama says Republicans' refusal to consider his Supreme Court nominee will threaten the integrity of the justice system and prove that the judicial nomination process is "beyond repair."
In an op-ed in the Houston Chronicle, Obama says the fight is bigger than "a single election...