WalletHub survey should make NJ’s tipped workers very nervousWalletHub survey should make NJ’s tipped workers very nervousA survey shows that almost three out of four people feel tipping has gotten completely out of hand.Jeff DeminskiJeff Deminski
New York Waitstaff Say Your 20% Tip Isn’t Cutting ItNew York Waitstaff Say Your 20% Tip Isn’t Cutting ItCurious about tipping practices in New York restaurants? Well, a new survey found your 20% tip might not be cutting it anymore. Traci TaylorTraci Taylor
Turns out NJ is among the states that tip the worstTurns out NJ is among the states that tip the worstThe data was gathered from 79,000 restaurants across the country and includes only tips made via credit card or other digital means.Jeff DeminskiJeff Deminski
10 NJ workers who deserve a tip10 NJ workers who deserve a tipCall it a tip or call it a bribe, we are all used to giving a little extra money “To Insure Prompt Service.”Judi FrancoJudi Franco
NJ among one of the worst, cheapest states for tippingNJ among one of the worst, cheapest states for tippingApparently, we're not very good tippers in New JerseyMike BrantMike Brant
What's the Deal with Double-Tipping in NJ? It's a Thing!What's the Deal with Double-Tipping in NJ? It's a Thing!However, what caught my attention, was a second tip line. There was a suggestion for a "kitchen" tip. I had never seen that before. We go out pretty often, and this was a new concept to me.Steve McKaySteve McKay
NJ businesses that do this might guilt a tip out of youNJ businesses that do this might guilt a tip out of youSome establishments might not be aware they're even doing thisMike BrantMike Brant
Should you tip New Jersey gas attendants?Should you tip New Jersey gas attendants?This seems to be a trend in the Garden State.Bill SpadeaBill Spadea
Tipping is still a thing in NJTipping is still a thing in NJBut do you treat the workers you tip with respect?Bill SpadeaBill Spadea
New Jersey ranks high in tipping its servers New Jersey ranks high in tipping its servers New Jersey has been close to the top state in the country with how much we tip. Big Joe HenryBig Joe Henry