One New Jersey school district is having students log on for a "virtual school day" in an experiment that could alter the meaning of snow days, The Record reports.
Eric Scott, who was filling in for Jim this morning, discussed parents being up in arms over the alternatives being thrown around for how NJ school districts plan on making up for all the snow days being taken this winter.
There’s nothing like a snow day to pop in a movie or catch up on a TV series. I was introduced to The Sopranos on a weekend when I finally put season one in my VCR. (yes it was that long ago).
Meet “Chase” the Snowman. Chase was built today by Albert and Lennon Trevelise and named after a dog they saw on the Cartoon Network. Chase stands in front of their house to greet all who come over. (At least for the next couple of days he will)
How are you spending your day with the snow? Let...